Saturday, May 15, 2010

Books and letters

Where does the time go? I have actually accomplished several tasks since my last entry. I am part of  "Art Asylum", an artist trading card group and have to mail off 9 cards once a month, following a preset theme.  It certainly makes you plan ahead and get them done!

I thought while I was at it, I might as well have several books ready to stitch together. So far I have two journals that will be almost identical with covers like this:

I thought it would be great idea if I could just use materials, paper, etc. that I already have in my studio... if only that worked all of the time!  I had purchased this paper so long ago that I don't remember where it was from. I think it will make a great cover for a journal.

My other book project is a baby book.  We have a new one coming in the extended family and we hope to meet her or him this summer.  They don't know I am making a book, so if you know them, please don't spill the beans!!  I found some lovely batiked teddy bear fabric that will work for the cover no matter what they have.  Here is a sample of the pages inside:

I like to use Canson mi tientes paper as it is just that little bit thicker and will hopefully wear well with use.  I use walnut ink and just draw the lines in with pencil.  Really, who carries an eraser around with them? how will those lines disappear?!

And finally for today, I have still been working on my letter project. I have another D to share.  I decided the other day that as I have been asked to teach a Decorated Versal class in the fall, that these letters would be better in a sketch book all to themselves. That way I can share them but not all my other ramblings.  I'm almost done all 26 and will get some more up here soon.  Yes! today I went and bought a scanner. It isn't anything special, it just scans. That's all I really needed and missed a lot!

I found a great quote the other day while looking for one for ATCs - the theme for June is Love.  I know it doesn't refer to lettering but highly appropriate for calligraphers, don't you think?!

"I loved words. I love to sing them and speak them and even now, I must admit,
 I have fallen into the joy of writing them."
Ann Rice