Sunday, May 23, 2010

One job down!

I will be attending ABC2010  this summer along with several of our guild members from Alphabeas Calligraphy Guild.  One of the highlights of any conference or calligraphic event is the gift bag at registration.  Our small group has decided to donate some items for the "goody bag".

Now, I have always said that I have a lifetime supply of walnut ink crystals.  I just didn't know until now how true that statement was!  really, who needs this much walnut ink - enough (and some left over) for 175 film containers with 1/4 tsp of crystals - enough to make a little bottle of ink for everyone attending to use in class.

no matter what way you look at it, that is a lot of ink!!

Next project is to stitch the same number of small autograph books, japanese bound, to send along for the gift bags. We are planning a work day to do them. Just add it to the list!

Monday, May 17, 2010

The View - no not the one on ABC!

CJ is playing along...........

And so it grows!
CJ's friend, Erica, played the window meme today

What's the view from your window? send me your link or your photo to play along.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

What is the view from your window?

On a blog I follow...  I saw a very interesting entry, which she had in turn found on another blog, who found it on another blog.........

What is the view from your window?

Here is the view from my studio window. Notice! it was just after 8 pm and temperature was still quite warm :o)

Send me a pic of the view from your window or post one on your blog! If you send it, I'll post it or link to yours if you'd rather.

Books and letters

Where does the time go? I have actually accomplished several tasks since my last entry. I am part of  "Art Asylum", an artist trading card group and have to mail off 9 cards once a month, following a preset theme.  It certainly makes you plan ahead and get them done!

I thought while I was at it, I might as well have several books ready to stitch together. So far I have two journals that will be almost identical with covers like this:

I thought it would be great idea if I could just use materials, paper, etc. that I already have in my studio... if only that worked all of the time!  I had purchased this paper so long ago that I don't remember where it was from. I think it will make a great cover for a journal.

My other book project is a baby book.  We have a new one coming in the extended family and we hope to meet her or him this summer.  They don't know I am making a book, so if you know them, please don't spill the beans!!  I found some lovely batiked teddy bear fabric that will work for the cover no matter what they have.  Here is a sample of the pages inside:

I like to use Canson mi tientes paper as it is just that little bit thicker and will hopefully wear well with use.  I use walnut ink and just draw the lines in with pencil.  Really, who carries an eraser around with them? how will those lines disappear?!

And finally for today, I have still been working on my letter project. I have another D to share.  I decided the other day that as I have been asked to teach a Decorated Versal class in the fall, that these letters would be better in a sketch book all to themselves. That way I can share them but not all my other ramblings.  I'm almost done all 26 and will get some more up here soon.  Yes! today I went and bought a scanner. It isn't anything special, it just scans. That's all I really needed and missed a lot!

I found a great quote the other day while looking for one for ATCs - the theme for June is Love.  I know it doesn't refer to lettering but highly appropriate for calligraphers, don't you think?!

"I loved words. I love to sing them and speak them and even now, I must admit,
 I have fallen into the joy of writing them."
Ann Rice